Sunday, September 27, 2009

SOM '09 - The School Begins! (original post 16 Feb 09)

The School of Missions 2009 opened on 15 February, Sunday and after having had a wet muggy week, we were very blessed by "typical" sunny Wellington weather as our parish priest Father Patrick quipped during his sermom :-)
Some of our VIPs - very important participants!

The School theme of “Be Built on Rock” is based on Matthew 7:24-27. Our prayer is that the participants will hear and act on God’s words for them throughout the School and thus build their house on rock, and together they shall witness like a city built on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Some shots of the Opening day:

Our participants preparing to offer up their houses, symbols of their desire to be built upon God's truths and love.

Father Patrick praying blessing over the participants as they begin their 5-month journey.
Jess from New Zealand

Jolene from New Zealand

Wibina from Korea

Tom from the UK

Marilyn from Singapore

Lacy from Canada

Florence from Singapore

Happy Birthday too Jess!

What a great way to begin a new year of life!

Mixing and mingling at the Monastery....

The great fellowship continued in the evening.....

Tables trying to put a tune, a beat to the psalms....

Everyone put up a fine performance!

Behind the scenes, the people who blessed us...

Christian trying to get his hand in the pie!
He knows a good thing when he smells one :-)

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... John & Lu cooking... yum....
    I miss your foods!! REALLY!
