Monday, February 28, 2011

In our Father's house...

...the window of grace is always open for us to come back to the Father!

Your ways are not my ways Lord, but they are all good!
we get to spend quality time with one another...sharing lives, faith!

we get soaked in truth!
2 Timothy 2:13 – Even when we were too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out His promises to us.

Can I surrender everything to God who is my father?

we have big brothers who are passionate about the things that God the Father is passionate about. Thank you big brother Wimpie for your big heart!

in our Father's house, we learn to serve as He serves..

 we learn to give our best...
 we learn to handle His produce creatively...
we learn that work is not all sweat and no play ;-)
Flexed muscles versus Flax...guess who won?

This week we are all about uprooting sin and appropriating the power of the Cross.
Pray for us!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Highlights of our first week of life together....

Celebrating with JOY her 20th birthday!
More of Jesus in my life, more of Jesus so I shine Your peace on earth...
come let us go up to the house of the Lord!
Rockin' for the living' One!

finding common ground and loving it!
The ice has definitely been broken!
Define and defend your prayer time and see your life change!

Introducing the Divine Office to the participants. 

Please keep us in your prayers as we enter into intense weeks of lectures...pray for open hearts to receive the transforming word of God deeply.... 

“For indeed, neither herb nor application cured them, but your all-healing word, O Lord" (Wisdom 16:12)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lights! School of Mission 2011 Is On!

You are the light of the world!

Live to give God glory!

This is the theme of School of Mission 2011 happening here at St Gerard's.

The Archbishop reminded us in his homily that it is not how much we know but who we are that truly matter.  To love God and our neighbour - that is the goal of everything that we seek to do.

we are excited to see what the transforming power of God's light and love will do for each of these unique lights, chosen and crafted in His hands.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

School of Mission 2011 Begins 13 February, Sunday!

Join us in prayer as we prepare to welcome our 15 participants to the School of Mission here at St Gerard's Monastery in Wellington. This year's participants come from Germany, Czech Republic, USA, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

The School begins on Sunday, 13 February with the Opening Mass celebrated by our Archbishop John Dew.

Part of the 'rituals' of preparation for the School is the cleaning and setting up of rooms.

Though these rituals are the same, we welcome new faces in our community. It is a huge blessing to have Valerie, Albert, Christine, Susan and Helena in our midst and we look forward to Susilo joining us very soon as well.
These folks were participants in last year's School and this year they will experience the School in a very different capacity, one in which we hope they experience deeper growth in faith, confidence and ministry. \o/

Preparing to entertain angels :-)