They were given one day to prepare a presentation on the main themes of God's Love, Sin & Salvation and the Holy Spirit. And they shone!
Tom, Jess and Florence shared and gave testimonies about the love of God.
Jo, Edwin and Wibina shared about Sin & Salvation in a way that would have made Fritz proud!

Marilyn, Lucia and Lacy presented on the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and testified to God at work in amazing ways.

We were very impressed by their grasp of the themes and their creative presentation of these themes. We could see their individual giftings and strengths and also their teamwork in putting different elements together into cohesive presentations.

We were very impressed by their grasp of the themes and their creative presentation of these themes. We could see their individual giftings and strengths and also their teamwork in putting different elements together into cohesive presentations.
We are proud of them! And we thank God for each of them!
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