Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lift High the Cross of Christ at Jukjeon!

Chairny sharing her testimony of how God healed her of cancer and brought salvation to her parents. Romans 8:28 became her personal creed of faith in God through the dark times.

Wimpie preached on the power of the Cross and challenged the people to surrender their lives to the saving grace of Jesus Christ crucified.

John ministered through the sign language song "At the Cross" and thereafter the people came forward to receive prayer.

The Holy Spirit moved in power in the atmosphere of faith. Titus shared with us that 3 young teenagers experienced Jesus through the praying over and decided to come for the icpe school this weekend. Praise God!

We met Wibina's parents and caught up with Tom who is holidaying in Korea.

The family that we know just keeps growing! Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. How nicely they are praying to god...i thought that they greet god very purely...

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