He made the best even if we are weak and not enough. So I also expect about our future in Jesus because His plan is always greater than ours."
Grace (Malaysia): "The Lord strenghtens my faith as I saw how He works in the lives of the people. Thank you for all the good work you did in our outreach together and for your smiles and positive attitude. God bless!"
Wimpie (Indonesia): "I thank God for the Anointing, Healing, Presence of the Holy Spirit for us and HIS people, He is Emmanuel."
Susilo (Indonesia): "I was little bit afraid when I found out that the team will be all asian which English is not our first language but God shows His faithfulness by anointed us with His wisdom into our life. One lady came to me and said thank you because we brought new fresh air to her parish. Praise the Lord! Truly God has multiplied our 5 loaves and 2 fish... \o/ He is a faithful God indeed.."
Bomi (Korea): "I want to thank to the Lord for his presence in our mission team.Without Him I cannot do anything during 2 weeks. Thank you The Holy Spirit! And Jesus is my best friend who encourages me every moment. Thank you Jesus ;-) Without Jesus! I am nobody!"
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