The School was blessed to watch Christopher West teach on the Theology of the Body and to listen "live" to the personal testimonies of brothers and sisters in our community. Among those who shared were singles and married persons and couples.
Through the fact that the Word of God became flesh, the body entered theology...through the main door. (Theology of the Body, 89)
Through the fact that the Word of God became flesh, the body entered theology...through the main door. (Theology of the Body, 89)
Paddy and Millie praying before their sharing. Thanks, Paddy and Millie for your courage to share your life with us. Your testimonies truly gave witness to the power of God's love and fidelity to you and your family. Praise God!
We were equally edified by Petrus and Mely's sharing about their journey from courtship to marriage to parenthood in the Lord. Thank you for your witness of life!
The week ended with a beautiful evening organised by the men during which they honoured the women and lavished attention and care on them.
The evening culminated with the men escorting the women who were blindfolded to a secret location. When the blindfolds were removed, the women found themselves in our church and before the Blessed Sacrament! Indeed there could be no more fitting way to conclude the evening than to present each bride before the Bridegroom Himself! Thank you, dear brothers!God has revealed his innermost secret: God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 221)
Woman "is the representative and the archetype of the whole human race: she represents the humanity which belongs to all human beings, both men and women. (John Paul II's Letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women)
Grace is that mysterious gift made to the human heart which frees men and women to become a sincere gift to each other. (see Theology of the Body, 68)

Only the value of the person can sustain a stable relationship. The other values of sexuality are wasted away by time and exposed to the danger of disillusion. But this is not the case for the value of the person...which is stable and in some way infinite. When love develops and reaches the person, then it is forever. (Karol Wojtyla: The Thought of the Man who became John Paul II)

Every person is totally unique and unrepeatable! How cool!
And remember....that person is YOU!
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